Trained to Verify High-Performance Superior Homes

A HERS Rater (Home Energy Rating System Rater) is a third-party inspector certified by an accredited Rating provider and licensed by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) 0r the Building Science Institute (BSI).

A Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Rater is a professional trained in inspecting homes for energy efficiency. They are licensed by the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) or the Building Science Institute (BSI). The Rater’s role includes examining homes during construction and after they’re finished to ensure they meet the energy standards of, for example BUILT TO SAVE® and AEP Texas High-Performance Home programs and ENERGY STAR®.

enviromental energy improvements
home energy rating service

These raters can project a home’s energy efficiency before it’s even built by inputting its details into a specialized computer program. With their extensive knowledge in building science and ongoing education, they provide valuable guidance to builders. Their independent verification is key to trusting that homes meet the requirements of a high-performance home program.

Become A BUILT TO SAVE® Builder

BUILT TO SAVE® program doesn’t require the builder to jump through hoops to meet extensive construction requirements or focus on non-energy saving items that would be more appropriate for building “green.”  The program also provides generous incentives from Magic Valley Electric Coop (MVEC) to the builders for homes in MVEC territory that can be used to offset the cost of inspections. 

Trained to Verify High-Performance Superior Homes